Family Mini Bioblitz - Destination Milton Keynes
Family Mini Bioblitz Top Image

Family Mini Bioblitz

Start Date: 08/06/2024

End Date: 08/06/2024

Start Time: 11:00 am

End Time: 4:00 pm

Cost of Entry: FREE, drop-in event, no booking needed.

Netherfield Chapel Carpark Broadlands, Netherfield, Milton Keynes, MK6 4YP, GB


[email protected]

Visit Website

What is a bioblitz? - a bioblitz helps us to get a picture of a specific area’s biodiversity. It helps us understand what plants, animals and other creatures live in a specific area. You’ll be amazed at how many different plants, animals, insects and more live around you! Join us to find out what’s living on your doorstep!

FREE Activities:
-Mini beast hunt
-Bug bingo
-Finding and identifying leaf shapes
-Scavenger hunt